1. Little or no preparation:
    *Experience- To have little knowledge or work skill. The only type of jobs where you can have beginners exsperience.
 *Training-  Show an employee how a/an job is applied. An may take weeks and weeks of training
  *Education- Jobs needed for you to reach a standard Highschool Diploma or GED
 *Examples- A bus driver, pizza deliverer, working on machinery, and or waiter/cashier

    2. Some preparation:
    *Experience-  Past life work exsperince
    *Training- Months and years of exsperince
    *Education- Highschool Diploma needed
    *Examples- salers,firefighters, and tellers.

    3. Medium preparation:
    *Experience- Need to be a licenced degree
    *Training- One or two years exsperince
    *Education-related Of some sort on-the-job experience, or an associate's degree.
    *Examples-Electritions,Sales Agent, and Insurance

    4. Considerable preparation:
    *Experience- Several years and at-least four years of collage
    *Training- Lots of years of exsperience
    *Education- About a four year bachleors degree
    *Examples-Criminal Investigator, Special Agents, and Managing require this skill

Extensive preparation:
    *Experience- A whole lots of superior skill is needed
    *Training- Employee should already have a sure amount of skill
    *Education- PhD MD or JD
    *Examples-Surgeons, Treasurers, and Lawyers

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